Homogeneous coverings (one-layered, patterned)
Heterogeneous coverings (PVC surface on a PVC underlay)
System flooring (thicker PVC surface layer on PVC foam underlay)
Cushion Vinyl floor (thinner PVC surface on PVC foam underlay)
PVC Wall-coverings (PVC surface on PVC foam)
PVC Welding rod
The following floor-coverings cannot be accepted: (they cannot be recycled at the AgPR plant):
Textile coverings, textile composite coverings, cork floorings, linoleum, rubber floorings, PVC floorings on non-PVC-foam, PVC floor on jute, coconut or polyester felt, PVC floorings on cardboard, metal containing PVC floorings (industrial floor from cable insulation), self-adhesive PVC floorings, polyolefin floorings, cardboard coverings (Stragula, Balatum),
coverings potentially containing asbestos (such as “semi-flexible” tiles, cushion floors on asbestos paper, etc.),
wooden floorings, wallpaper, bitumen coverings along with all the other disposable residues associated with the removal of old floor coverings.